Snow Event Updates

Snow current event in progress…


Snow Event 3/24/24

Update 5:18am: We are well into working on the second pass.

Update 9:43pm: Round 1 should be complete in roughly 3 hours and we will start the routes over for another pass. So far, depending on where you measure, we have 2.5-3.5 inches in accumulation.

Update 7:18pm: We dispatched all trucks at 5:30pm today will be servicing all accounts.

Snow Event 3/22/24:

Update 3:44am: We have about 1.5″ currently and will be servicing both 3/4 inch and 2 inch accounts. Trucks will be dispatched around 5:15am this morning.


Update 8:06am: There are 51 driveways left to complete round 1. We apologize for the delay. We are moving as fast as possible. It is very icy.

Update 5:22am: We are about 80% complete with round 1. We are doing everything possible to get to everyone asap. We received around 6.5″.

Update: We have dispatched all trucks and will be servicing all accounts.

UPDATE 11:56AM (1/8/24):

We will be dispatching the 3/4″ route today. If you have that service level, you will see us in the next few hours. Thanks!

Update:  We will servicing the 3/4 inch trigger level accounts this morning.